Filings for August primary begin Feb. 22nd; Monroe County presiding commissioner not seeking new term, most incumbents running, but new prosecutor mum about plans

Submitted By Denny Hollingsworth
A year from now, Monroe County will have a new presiding
commissioner as a result of an incumbent that will not seek
election this year.
Three-term presiding commissioner Mike Minor (D-Stoutsville)
has announced he will not be a candidate for re-election in 2022.
Mr. Minor, 59, defeated incumbent Donald Simpson (D-Paris) in
a 2010 primary election and has been unchallenged since. In
addition to his 12 years as presiding commissioner, he spent
22 years in the county’s Road & Bridge Department, 11 years as
its chief.
Filings for August’s 2022 primary election begin Feb. 22nd,
according to county clerk LaJenna Peterson (R-Paris), and will
close March 29.
Despite being what politicos call an off-year election – because
the president will not be on November’s general election ballot
– local Republican and Democrat voters will find they
have several political races to decide what candidates will
run for eight county offices, a congressional race and two
state-wide offices in November’s general election.
Along with the presiding commissioner office, voters will see
the clerk, circuit clerk, associate circuit court judge,
collector, treasurer, recorder and prosecuting attorney
offices all on the primary ballot.
Two term Incumbent circuit clerk Heather Wheeler (D-Monroe City),
who has worked in the office since 2003, will run again;
collector Chrissy Graupman (D-Paris), treasurer Shelia Jurgesmyer
(D-Paris) and recorder Lori Decker (R-Madison) – all three who
were elected to their first terms in 2018 – have all indicated
they will seek re-election.
Monroe County Associate Circuit Court Judge Talley Smith (R-Paris), appointed in November 2021,
to fill the unexpired term of Mike Wilson, who was unable to fill
the remaining 13 months of his term because of age limits, and
Ms.Peterson, who was appointed county clerk when Christina Buie
resigned last year, have both announced they will seek the
Republican nomination for their respective offices.
The only incumbent that has not revealed their plans for 2022
is newly appointed prosecuting attorney Kevin Bross.
Mr. Bross, 27, a 2020 graduate of the University of Missouri
law school, was appointed to the prosecuting attorney’s position
in late 2021, by circuit judge Rachel Bringer Shepard (D-Palmyra),
after now-former prosecutor Ms. Smith assumed the bench.
A graduate of Palmyra High School, Mr. Bross lives in
Marion County, which does not disqualify him from filing for
a Monroe County office; however, he must be a county resident
to be elected.
Politically, Bross says he considers himself an Independent
and not ready to reveal his future plans.
“I don’t have any comment at this time as to my future plans.
I am still trying to get my feet under me in Monroe County
and focusing on doing the job I was appointed,” the prosecutor
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