What's Happening at the Ralls County Library in February?

Winter is here and there are many opportunities at the Ralls County Library for children, youth, teens, and adults to join in on the fun!
Thursday, February 1 - Story Hour 10:00 AM - all ages
Wednesday, February 7 - Missouri Department of Conservation Winter Seed Sowing Class for Adults and Children over 12 with an Adult - 6:00 PM. Call the Library for reservations. You will be required to bring the following supplies: Containers (as many as you intend on creating) - milk/water jugs, 2-liter bottles, etc.; Seeds - any cold hardy seeds, native plants, perennials, annuals, vegetables; Small Bucket for mixing soil. All other supplies will be provided.
Thursday, February 8 - Story Hours 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - all ages
Saturday, February 10 - Valentine Bouquet Cards 9-11 AM - all ages
Wednesday, February 14 - Perry Outreach, Sr. Housing 10-11:30 AM - anyone
Thursday, February 15 - Story Hour 10:00 AM - all ages
Friday, February 16 - Marvel Trivia Night 6:00 PM - call the library to register - all ages
Monday, February 19 - President's Day - The library is closed
Wednesday, February 21 - Center Outreach, Sr. Housing, 10-11:30 AM - anyone
Thursday, February 22 - Story Hours 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - all ages
Saturday, February 24 - Puzzles/Games/Donuts 9-11 AM- all ages
Wednesday, February 28 - New London Outreach, Sr. Housing 10:00-11:30 AM - anyone
Thursday, February 29 - Story Hour 10:00 AM - all ages
The library is open Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Saturdays 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
For more information about any of the opportunities, call 573-267-3200 or stop by at 102 N. Public Street, Center, MO.
Follow us on Facebook@Ralls County Library. Check out our webpage at www.rallscountylibrary.com.
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