Summer Lunch Program

May 22, 2024

The Paris and Holliday communities have generously supported a summer lunch program for school-aged children for many years. Families who depend on the school lunch program during the school year may need these extra resources in order to provide nutritious meals throughout the summer months. We will once again provide lunch items for students who families indicate that they would like to participate.

Generous donations and volunteers in previous years have been sufficient to provide meals throughout the summer. We are, therefore, planning to provide ten weeks of lunches for weekdays beginning the first week of June. The last pickup date will be shortly before school begins in August.

The program has no official sponsor but is supported through donations from individuals, churches, civic groups, and businesses. This will once again be a community effort, and we hope that you can provide some assistance. Volunteers will pack boxes one day each week in the fellowship hall of First Baptist Church, and we are always happy to have extra hands.

If you would like to provide a financial donation, please send it to the First Baptist Church at the address of PO Box 89, Paris, Mo 65275. All donations should be labeled "Summer Lunches." If you have questions, you can contact Brenda Ensor at

Thank you for any help you are able to provide. God has truly blessed out community through this program.

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