2024 Treated Us Well

December 31, 2024

By Robin Gregg, Publisher & General Manager 
Looking back at the past 7.5 years since joining the Monroe County Appeal and Ralls County Herald Enterprise as the Editor, things have been a wild and busy ride. We’ve gone from having nine local employees covering two counties to only myself covering two counties with help from submissions and a couple of stringer reporters. We’ve gone from having two separate papers to joining the two together now called Monroe-Ralls. We’ve added digital to our package lineup and unfortunately moved the Paris location three times and the New London location to the Perry location, which is now in Center.
I’ve gone from Editor to Publisher to General Manager. (Back story: I started in the newspaper business in Clarence in 2016 as a part-time office manager and have climbed the ladder of every position since.) 
We’ve changed ownership from Lewis County Press to Reaves and Williams LLC. We now have two other ladies working with me from afar; one for layout and the other for legals. We’ve been through Covid and stayed strong. I built the paper foundation from being in the hole financially to being the top seller of the entire company twice in three months. I appreciate those who support the paper throughout the two counties and I’m stronger with your help. I thank each advertiser in 2024 and look forward to working with you and new clients in 2025. 

Happy New Year!!

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